Volunteer Opportunities
The work we do to eradicate illiteracy within San Antonio communities would not be possible without the help of caring volunteers. As the backbone of our organization, our volunteers come from all walks of life. We have a variety of opportunities available from tutoring to administrative work. All volunteers go through an orientation that provides an overview of our programs, expectations, and responsibilities. Previous experience is not a requirement, but a sincere willingness to help others is. Please volunteer today and help make a positive difference in the lives of our students!
Volunteer with us and make a difference!

One-on-One or Small-Group Tutor

Work with students one-on-one or in a small-group setting in one or more of the following subjects:
Reading and writing
Social Studies
Digital literacy
All one-on-one tutors must commit to a minimum of 2 hours a week until 40 hours of instruction has occurred. All small-group tutors must commit to a minimum of 3 hours a week for 4 consecutive months.
Community Outreach Assistant

Attend community resource fairs
Network with other organizations
Share information about Each One Teach One services
Connect with community about student and volunteer opportunities
Assist with the development of our newsletter
Administrative Assistant
Copy and file instructional materials
Answer phones and make appointments
Respond to volunteer applications
Maintain an up-to-date volunteer roster
Organize volunteer training and appreciation events
Follow up with volunteers on overall experience
Maintain volunteer and student snack supplies